Sunday 26 March 2017

Spiritually Guided - Truth!

A land flowing with milk and honey is a land flowing with contentment and grace.

The world was made up of components of longitude and latitude of exordium defying extremities of devices and elements of the extreme definition.

The sun was made up of high pollutant theorematic of high velocity matured internal elements of combustion.

The voice of The thunder creates a deaf-defying noise to lubricate the earth's curatorial mechanism of unfaulty extremities.

The wind is the element that lightens one's are connections.

The grass is the external compound of extremely high vincible material have is the covering of earthly extremities of high energize tissues.

The heart is the extremity of the body in high-velocity emergence power.

Movement is the awareness of cosmic advancing edifying entanglement of the energetic motivation tendencies.

Christmas is man's motivational acceptance of God's existence.

Holloween is the dark-defying evil circumstantial maneuvering of the enemy's imps.

Easter is the day of conventional enjoyable activity by man's illusional happiness.

Black Friday is the day of distortion emporiums of man's intellectual inner self-destructive manner.

Lent is a time of bereavement.

Valentine's day is the day of man's unedifying falsely motivational way of comprehending love.

Mother's day is the day of man's illusional aspects of recurrence of untimely birth and awareness.

Flowers are the elements of nature that let one exhibit a feel of contentment.

Water is the resource of the earth's collectible materialistic downpour of intensifying material.

Fire is the pollutant of hot material generated to extort to high velocity.

Food is the nutrient for the body, the substance as it is called.

Milk is the element of a collectible degree of protein and nutrients for the cow.

The Bible is the word of God manipulated by mankind in sequences to alter mankind's thinking.

A Biblical answer is a truth to all mankind.

Spiritualism and Spirituality are the new dimensions of heavenly aspirations.

Love. Is the element of the heart that guides the body to reach its exhibit awareness.

A gift is just an influential materialistic device that promotes the body and emotions to an unrealistic sense of fulfillment.

Lost is the fundamental meaning of one's undefied unawareness and motion of one's self and being.

To understand space and its governing body one must live in it to understand it.

Universal bubbles are no bubbles at all but are a mechanism of entity life distributed in space that is looking for safe ground.

Black holes are devices of deviances, holes of deviance, and planetary convulsions.

The speed of light varies it depends on its automatism speed and clarity.

Quantum gravity is the mechanism field that makes it easy to maneuver, hover, and remain stable in space.

The cosmos are built up of manufactured material from orbiting planets and stars the cosmos varies in areas of view.

Luna power has the right frequency of embodiment that will sustain and enable a field of lunar direction feed.

Chemtrails are dust forming elements of oxidants based to produced hazardous elements in the atmosphere of mankind and surrounding areas, flu, and other harmful disease are released by this procedure as mankind see chemtrails as a display of art but Really and truly it's a distribution of harmful and effective bacteria in the atmosphere and on them.

Chocolate expands the brain's capacity and directs the brain in neurological ways, chocolate is the heart's accelerant absorbent, it enhances the brain cells, giving the brain capacity in growth and length distribution to maintain high volumes of information. Chocolate enhances the brain's neurochemical volume of speech identification and growth accelerants.

The brain has so many neurological components that are made up of so many tiny cells that adapt to a universal living for individuals to hear, see and know as to understand whatever is happening.

The brings light and the moon brings dark.

Ears can hear the echoes of the inner and outer world.

Mirrors are high-velocity minerals, heated up and melted to make image-maker distinguishable mirrors are used in the afterlife as the doorway of passages for spirits, guides, and a passageway into the afterlife.

The atmosphere lining is thinning each and every dayBiblicaland by this thinning,  elements from space are getting into the earth's atmosphere, and on its people, entities of all kinds are flowing to the earth because of the thinning of the shield that was protecting it from outside elements.

The flu virus which is also manmade was made from strategic volumes of influenza, the flu virus was introduced to mankind as a kind of slow. Down accelerant, a way of slowing down the body, the flu can be controlled as mankind put in place an antibiotic in pill form and liquid form to attain and suppress its weakness.

Fingerprints can disclose one's identity in a numerical way.

The eye's iris evolves around the planetary system's color, texture, and size.

Eyes are the windows to the soul and the eyes of its inhabitant.

Palm prints tell of one's existence in life.

Siberian holes are mother nature's way of opening up her pores to breathe out elements of congestions, these craters are not harmful as eventually, they will play a part in the earth's repositioning field.

Homosexuality is a kind of entity collaborating with the government to gain popularity, space, and dominance.

The evolution of the planets is a time of destruction.

A heavenly sign is the sign of all times and a sign of heavenly visitors.

The nourishment of the body is the word of God on a platter.

Holy heaven is grand, hell is revorce.

Stardom is the superficial idealism of one's self-being.

Nero technology is the habitation of the devisal tolerance of one's mind.

The way of the windward is the longitude of the distance of time-lapse economy predestination.

Pluto is not a planet, it is a star, it is a generating star, the biggest of its kind in the universe.

Pyramids are ancient devices of channeling made by aliens as a connecting tool for and of a guide.

The earth's protective core is melting and the earth is getting hot, thus changing up the mechanism of atmospheric ways.

Lighting is extracted rays of beams that act as a conduit to lubricate the earth's core.

The moon is a planet of place where all entities roam and inhabit, underground bases are formed for some.

Footprints have a memorable meaning a standing of full assurance and ways.

Pores are small passages of gateways for air, and for the body to breathe.

Skin is the covering for human beings also a disguise for entities.

Speech is the reposition of one's language.

A new day is born and new souls are forgiven.

Wisdom is the key to knowledge.

Saturday 25 March 2017

Spiritually Empowered- The Missing Proverbs.

Life has its capacities and its incapacities of the distance that it takes us.

The perception of one's mind makes one gullible of timely procedures.

Enthusiasm is one's body and mind defer one's existence.

Criticism does not fulfill the body it weakens the core.

Knowledge of the mind is influential but the brokenness of the heart is corruption.

Spiritualism and spirituality are the new dimensions of heavenly aspirations.

To know what you have seen and to acknowledge its existence is persistence.

Death defers untimely changing.

To hear it to know it to see it and to speak it is influential to one's mind.

Gladness is the perception of one's heart.

To know the time and to call time is the manifestation of one's biological clock.

The misconception of one's mind illuminates ungratified unproportional elements.

Commitment is the seed to righteousness.

Miraculous healing opens up the mind to illusional asperations.

Uneven mannerism is the downfall of one's attitude.

Persistence and procedures are the windfalls of man's inhabitance.

Knowledge is the alignment of one's mind.

Equipping the mind with new knowledge is the evolution of tardiness.

To see all is to know all is to hear all is to speak all.

The knowledge of one's mind is the habitation of its vessel.

The power of the mind and soul defers the power of untimely events.

Circumstantial interiority is the fundamental science of an incorruptible mind.

Distance measures memory time measures events.

Incapabilities of one's soul is the corruption of one's heart.

The speed of light defers the speed of commitment.

The essence of one's imagination makes one gullible of dimensions procedures.

The influential inhabitation of one's spirit is condemning to the soul.

Tolerance is a virtue commitment is pleasing.

The misconception of one's mind defers the words of one's mouth.

Animosity is the absence of one's presence.

Maturity is the fulfillment of one's soul.

A never-ending tale is the corruption of one's destiny.

Moral effect coincides with the morality of one's attitude and tolerance.

The misconception of one's untimely passing is the deviousness of one's mind.

A biblical answer is a truth to all mankind.

A man who is weary in the heart is weary in thought and deed.

A no-nonsense man is a man with an upright attitude.

A mother of a child is a mother of his heart but the father of a people is the father of eternity.

Misguiding one's soul is the corruption of envious virtues.

The mind has its misconceptions of knowledge, its misunderstandings, and the understandings of knowledge given to it.

An enthusiastic person is the limelight of one's heart.

Never underestimate happiness let happiness underestimate you.

Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world.

The remembrance of conversation is the key to success.

Knowledge is power life is perfection and ordinance.

All divine aspects of hearing point to the breaking of one's intellectual being.

Memory is the brainchild of one's tedious attitude and commitment.

Envious decisions and envious ways lead to envious breakdowns.

A man's intellect defers his imagination.

One who walks in light always sees light, one who walks in darkness always sees darkness.

A man's attitude depicts his appearance.

A no-nonsense man has the seed to uprightness.

Predestined opposition is the element of tardiness.

Frustrating souls is the build-up of destructive minds.

Knowledge is the window to the eyes, the conversation is the departure of wisdom.

Commitment proceeds continued dedication of one's motivational esteem.

Pride is the downfall of mankind.

Envy is the destruction of the body.

Focus is the element of the eyes love is the brainchild of the heart.

Curiosity is the input of one's delusional mind.

Misconception and misconceived is the revoke of self-dignity.

The more you look the more you will see and the more you know and hear is the more you will speak.

Tardiness is the destruction of healthy minds.

Compulsion is the envy of superstitious ways.

Deocracy is the manipulation of the mind.

Focusing on one's commitment is tendencies of one's calling.

The misconception of the heart is the betrayal of the body.

Misguiding one's mind is destroying one's integrity.

Nonsense is the pedicure to evil.

Diligence is the key to awareness.

Manipulation is the essence of a destroying mind.

Behavior tendencies are the brainchild to self-correction and poise.

Illuminating of an ora is the holiness of the spirit and soul.

Misguiding the innocent is destroying your life.

Tale bearing is the confusion of the mind.

Excreet is the disposition of the body, a filling is the resource of the heart.

Heaven is the covering for heavenly beings.

The sun lights the way for all to see, the moon lights the way for all to hear.

The misconception of spirit is a spirit with dross.

The eyes will see and the ears will hear but The soul will collect.

A man with attitude is a man with discretion.

Wisdom is the key to knowledge.

Knowing one's ability to defer right from wrong is the fundamental aspect of one's inhabitation.

Nature defers the element of a natural surrounding.

To fornicate is an abomination to one's intellect.

The Holy man has wisdom the prudent man has a failure.

Never underestimate life because it never underestimates you.

A greedy man is a man of unselfish mind and spirit.

To know one's mind is the wisdom of God.

Crafty men produce whole wear, dull men produce empty vessels.

The time for this century is now, the time for that century was then.

A prudent and distasteful man is a man of a non-existent heart.

Minding one's business is a sin, helping one's business is care.

A non-existent heart is the condemnation of one's attitude,  distasteful and prudent behavior.

Creation was meant for mankind to enjoy not for mankind to destroy.

A lonely Heart brings sorrow a happy heart brings peace and contentment.

Peace to all men on earth means peace to all men not scare man or kill a man.

A weary heart and thought of a man is a man of suicidal tendencies.

The misconcuse of one's mind is the habitation of one's intellect.

Degrading one's pride is the beginning of one's freedom.

A compulsive attitude is the brainchild of destructive behavior.

Morals and standards are the equipment for greatness.

Adulterous tendencies are the corruption of one's mind, spirit, soul, and heart.

A new day is born and new souls are forgotten.

Miraculous healing is the commitment and brainchild of God.

To concuse one's meaning is to disregard his thoughts.

A jealous wife brings envy and scorn a jealous husband brings uncommitment and disgrace.

To walk along the path is nothing to walk, to cut a long path is the end of your journey.

Newness brings sincerity of heart.

To be spiteful is to lose one's emotional being.

To disregard one's self-esteem is to disregard one's self appeal.

Making an unwise decision is the beginning of lost ventures.

To inhabit the world means to live in it, to inhabit a heart means to control it.

Knowledge is the understanding of one's mind.
Speech is the reposition of one's language.

Newness is the appraisal of one's self.

Antagonism is at the forefront of envy.

Solitude is the economy of tardiness.

Disposition is the area of timely matters.
Knowledge, wisdom, and understanding combined give you an articulate vessel.

Matters matter less happiness matter most.

Regeneration is the evolution of man's inhabited genes.

Stardom is the superficial idealism of one's self-being.

Materialistic venues lead to materialistic attitudes and commitment.

Holy heaven is grand hell is revorce.

An untimely visitation and events clarify the untimely essence.

Maturity of the mind is the evolution of the heart.

Disciplinary action is at the forefront of disciplinary minds.

An average institution of minds depicts an average institution of well beings.

Miraculous healings are the divine disposition of God's manifestation into impartation souls.

The clarity of one's inhabitance of this world is at the forefront of one's existence.

Mediocrity is the element of confusion, uncomfortable mind ways, and superficial methods.

Standing in one's ways means standing in one's perpetual limelight.

A reproductive mind is a mind with influential understanding and profiles.

A disregard for your peers is a disregard for your future.

To inherit one's mind and heart is to inherit the disposition of one's soul.

An untimely manner resolves untimely issues.

One's maturity will explode in one's mind.

A happy man is a man of contentment.

A God-fearing man is a man with the representation of Godly mannerism.

A people of understanding is a people of appraisal.

A person with a no-nonsense attitude is a person of high institutions.

The nourishment of the body is the word of God on a platter.

The evolution of the planets is a time of destruction.

A heavenly sign is the sign of all times and a sign of heavenly visitors.

The newness of one's heart is the dictation of one's intellectual emotions.

Man cannot do what I can do for him and I can not do what man pushed me to do.

The difference between tardiness and wholesomeness is Truth.

A man with his mind made up is a man with sleepless hours.

A woman who has a disregard for her husband is a woman of displeasing taste.

A child who obeys his father is a child of committed ways.

The misconception of one's dignity is the misuse of one's habitual efficiency.

The newness of one's heart is the refreshing of one's commitment.

My Father has created woman for a man just as I have created Love for you.

I was sent here to die for you now I am here to rekindle you.

I will not lose any of my sheep and my sheep will not lose any of me.

The Love of My heart is the Love of My people the hate of their hearts is the hate of the enemy.

A precious gem in my eyes is a man without flaws.

I sent a man to inhabit the earth so That the earth may be cradle like a child.

A man with a disregard for his child is a man with destructive ways.

A man whose heart is not in me is a man with partitions of evil.

A land that is full of bread and honey is a land full of contentment and grace.

The element of the definition of the untimely exhibition is nuroistic to the fundamental origination of one's talent.

Neuro technology is the habitation of the definal tolerance of one's mind.

Extreme behavior conditions of the mind circumcise the exteriorties of one's imagination

Relevance is the procedural function of one's inhabited extortion.

Commitment is the basis for one's exorcism of extreme doubts.

Misguiding one's extorial exclamaties is the brainchild of one's extreme novelties.

Misinstituting one's brain is the distortion of self-defying pithiness.

Exclamation of one's mind defers one to intellectual informal procedures.

Resorting one's time schedule is the defining of one's motivational event tolerance.

A man with the inward disposition of one's existing maturity is when a man sees disbelieving normalities.

The sound of man's voice is directed to the path of untimely immutable unedifying illusional normalities morphosis.

Mutal friendship is friendship that stands against time.

Behavior in child-like actions creates a sense of informal behavior patterns of the isotactic mind.

The sin of a man causes a rapture of defying the exhibitor effect.

A man with a kind heart is a man with extreme pleasure.

A man with a bad mind is a man with unselfish motivations.

A man who is ashamed is a man of hidden awareness.

A man who speaks fluent languages is a man who defiles the memoiristic gene of the mind.

Love is the element of the heart that guides the body to reach its exhibited awareness.

Lost is the fundamental meaning of one's undefied awareness and motion of one's self and being.