Monday 3 September 2018

The Joy Of The Lord.

Individuals should not be so weak as some of them let things stress on their minds and hearts too easily, too much and too long, and some just keep going over and round in circles talking about and carrying on the issues into another day to dampen it.

Individuals need to be stronger than that, as the enemy likes to use those weak-hearted people as playgrounds.

When fear can immediately enter a body all other tormenting elements of the same regime will just follow and go in.

If the Holy Spirit is within individuals fear should have no place or get in, some Individuals are just putting themselves into depressing states and they are also weakening themselves spiritually, and with mentions of feeling tired, of course, they will feel tired as they are only opening up their spiritual being for attacks.

Individuals need to occupy themselves with productive things they need to control their mind and being, some of them just do premature departures because of fear, doubt, etc.

Any conscious spiritual individual will automatically know when a place or situation is not comforting etc and they will know when they have to go.
Walking out from a destined destination is not wise it's an unconscious act of bewilderment that just calls spiritual attacks in.

God never gave anyone a spirit of fear the enemy does, outside damaging influences of elements that are just out to destroy.

God always keeps his people calm and stable as to show no fear, no panic, and no damaging dispositions that would torment self.

God's works never leave anyone in depressing states, check the enemy for that as that's his trademark strain.

A lot of individuals continue to say that they know God and a lot of them think that because they occupy a seat in a man-made building call church that they are so filled with God's Holy Spirit when in fact they don't have a clue what God's presence or works is all about.

And the truth always comes to light as you can see fearful aspects embedded in them as at the slightest hindrances they are like little babes fearful and weak just crying their eyes and hearts out.

Individuals are yet to understand God his presence and his works, some individuals are also seeing things, and the main aspects of seeing things are to understand for whom it is shown and act spiritually on them, as the enemy is just showing some Individuals things that he wants them to see.

And with some individuals, they just continue to speak bad omens over themselves and others as they put things up in the atmosphere not consciously knowing the effects of what their mouths continue to speak.

And spiritual Individuals should by now know that the mouth can speak life and death, but yet some still continue to cause confusion as they try to manifest what they see in damaging ways.

First and foremost Individuals need to know how God and his Holy Spirit work, and things that cause anyone depression, fear, anger, the anguish of heart, confusion, etc are not of God.

God calms, directs, elevates, protects, provides, steady, etc his people, and he is not going to infiltrate anyone with damaging elements that are just destroying their mobility, what help can one give to self or anyone if they are always running around with fear, etc? They wouldn't be able to help anyone or themselves.

You see! What happens to a lot of individuals is that they have been processed in the man-made world of direction that they don't know how to be truly directed by God.

They only see man as the director of their holiness, which is an error and false way that only opens doors of deceit, mind manipulation, etc.

A sensible mind heart and being will automatically know to whom they belong, they would know full aspects of who they should generate too.

The mobility of Individuals is very slow and loose in finding their true source of exitance and consciousness.

Some Individuals think that this person and that person can help them, but truly most of those Individuals are only helping themselves as they prey on the weakness of such Individuals that get lost in a man-made false way of holiness.

Yes! People prey on the weakness of others instead of praying for their comfort etc.

Anyone that truly knows God, the life bearer, should know God's true works does the same thing, his works Love, help, strengthens, bring clarity, etc.

The joy of the Lord is your strength, not depression, frustration, fear, doubt, etc which only brings torment of self, and a structure with these elements you wouldn't get anywhere or feel the true disposition of Joy in self?

Mankind needs to be able to understand " The Joy Of The Lord Is Their Strength" and put it into production.

Does anyone really understand the clarity of the disposition of the Joy of the Lord is your Strength?

So if the Joy of the Lord is your strength why do so many of you pick up fear as an everyday suit and continue to torment yourself?

God lifts up! And Individuals need to stop throwing themselves down with meaningless and false ways that do not represent the Only and True Living God.
Mankind please check yourself.

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